A manual used to train outlook members to make Denison a Safe Space and more inclusive community for everyone regardless of sexuality, gender identity, and romantic affiliations. 13 pages
Schedule of courses offered in Queer Studies for 2002 through 2014.
Queer Studies Concentration: Self-Study Fall 2008-Spring 2014; prepared March 30, 2014 by the Queer Studies Concentration Committee.
This is a timeline of events regarding the Queer Studies Concentration from 2008 to 2014.
Listed of classes in Queer Studies or cross-listed with Queer Studies from 2009-Spring 2014.
Meeting minutes from Queer Studies meeting on September 14, 2010.
Meeting minutes from Queer Studies meeting on April 21, 2010.
Agenda for Queer Studies Concentration Faculty meeting on September 14, 2010.
Dr. Robin Bartlett's report from Expanding the Circle: Creating an Inclusive Environment in Higher Education for LGBTQ Students and Studies, a workshop and conference held at the California Institute of Integral Studies, February 25-28, 2010, in San…
Coming Out Week schedule of events from Outlook.
News report, possiby for the GLBTAA newsletter, from the Queer Studies Program. Includes information on the GLBT Alumni Association homecoming with a lecture by Dr. Christopher Bruhn, "On Teaching Music and Sexuality."
Schedule for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Alumni Association Homecoming.
Voices Swell, 18.2, September 2010 from the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alumni Association.