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Trained Advocate Resources Manual Fall 2014.pdf

Safe Zone Trained Advocate Resource Manual: Fall 2014

A manual given to Safe Zone Trained people spelling out their responsibilities and rights. It conatians a list of common LGBT language, title IX information, and a list of both on campus and national resources.


Queer Night Schedule Fall 2014

Queer Night Schedule, Fall 2014. Anna Nekola, Instructor. Film screenings held in Higley Auditorium on Wednesdays.


Queer Studies Classes 2002-2014

Schedule of courses offered in Queer Studies for 2002 through 2014.


Bible, Gender, and Sexuality

Course Proposal form for REL 108: Bible, Gender, and Sexuality, to be taught in the department of Religion by Dr. Maia Kotrosits.


Queer Studies Review Committee Final Report

Queer Studies Review Committee Final Report, August 2014. The introduction reads: "The Queer Studies Review Committee’s primary finding is that the Queer Studies concentration at Denison is a dynamic, faculty-­‐driven, interdisciplinary and…


Denison Senior Honors Projects with Relevance to Queer Studies

Denison Senior Honors Projects with Relevance to Queer Studies (representative selections since 1980). There is a slight difference in this bibliography from the one created by Fred Porcheddu.


Queer Studies Major Proposal 2014

Proposal to develop a Queer Studies major created by the Queer Studies Committee, November 21, 2014.


Response to the Queer Studies Review Committee Report

Proposal to develop a Queer Studies major created by the Queer Studies Committee, November 21, 2014.


Queer Studies Concentration Celebration aand Certificate Ceremony

Agenda for the Queer Studies Concentration Celebration and Certificate Ceremony on April 28, 2014.


Queer Studies Concentration: Self-Study Fall 2008-Spring 2014

Queer Studies Concentration: Self-Study Fall 2008-Spring 2014; prepared March 30, 2014 by the Queer Studies Concentration Committee.


Queer Studies Concentration Timeline

This is a timeline of events regarding the Queer Studies Concentration from 2008 to 2014.


Courses and Faculty for Self-Study Report

This document includes the Queer Studies Committee, the Internal Review Committee, Permanently Cross-listed Courses, and Permanently Cross-listed Special Topics Courses.


Queer Studies Four Year Schedule 2009-2014

Listed of classes in Queer Studies or cross-listed with Queer Studies from 2009-Spring 2014.


Queer Studies Update 2/17/14

Brief update from 2/17/14, possibly distributed via email. Includes information on self-study and senior seminar.


Queer Studies Committee Meeting

Agenda for Queer Studies Committee meeting on Monday, September 8, 2014.