Proposal to add Queer Night as a permanent one-credit course. Approved by the Academic Affairs Council on February 19, 2013.
Proposal to add Power and Justice GE to QS 101: Introduction to Queer Studies. Approved by the Academic Affairs Council on February 14, 2012.
Listing of permanent cross-listed Queer Studies courses for Academic Affairs Council, dated April 24, 2011.
Proposed renaming of the introductory Queer Studies course, approved by Academic Affairs Council on March 8, 2011.
Proposed renumbering and numbering of courses for the Queer Studies Concentration, passed by Academic Affairs Council on March 8, 2011. Academic Affairs Council Queer Studies Concentration Renumbering Proposal. Lists cross-listed courses.
Proposed numbering of Special Topics courses for the Queer Studies Concentration, received by Governance on March 1, 2011.
Academic Affairs Council departmental guidelines and goals for the Queer Studies Concentration.
April 18, 2000 meeting minutes of the Academic Affairs Council review of the Queer Studies Program with requests for revisions to the proposal.