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Items (36 total)


Academic Affairs Council Queer Studies Program, April 18, 2000

April 18, 2000 meeting minutes of the Academic Affairs Council review of the Queer Studies Program with requests for revisions to the proposal.


Manufactured Image vs. Lived Reality: Examining Representation of Queerness at Denison University

Student essay from Centered Margins: An Undergraduate Journal of Queer Scholarship. Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2014.


Donald Kaplan Award Letter to Matthew Koester

March 24, 2014 congratulatory letter to Matthew Koester, Class of 2015, for receiving the Donald Kapan Internship. The internship stipend is for students interested in the corporate world and in helping AIDS patients. Letter is from Brian…


Queering Fraternity and Sorority Life

Student essay from Centered Margins: An Undergraduate Journal of Queer Scholarship. Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2014.


Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Alumni Association Newsletter: Voices Swell

Voices Swell, 18.2, September 2010 from the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Alumni Association.


GLBTAA Homecoming Schedule

Schedule for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Alumni Association Homecoming.


Queer Night Final Paper, Washington-Zeigler Fall 2012

Maya Washington-Zeigler's (Class of 2015) final paper for Queer Night, Fall 2012.


The Weight of Living: Examining and (Dis)embodying the Cultural Narratives of Fat and Queer

Student essay from Centered Margins: An Undergraduate Journal of Queer Scholarship. Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 2014.


Coming Out Week

Coming Out Week schedule of events from Outlook.


News from the Queer Studies Program

News report, possiby for the GLBTAA newsletter, from the Queer Studies Program. Includes information on the GLBT Alumni Association homecoming with a lecture by Dr. Christopher Bruhn, "On Teaching Music and Sexuality."


News from the Queer Studies Program 2013

News report, possibly for the GLBTAA newsletter, from the Queer Studies Program for 2013. Includes information on Bradley Bateman leaving Denison, an article in the Denison Magazine, a lecture by Alison Bechdel, and details on the Queer Studies…


2014 Senior Queer Studies Concentrators

2014 Senior Queer Studies Concentrators, April 28, 2014. Written for the QSC Senior Celebration and Awarding of Certificates. Biographies of the students: Shakia Asamoah, Biology and Women's Studies; Devin Ashly Daro, Psychology and Theatre; Olivia…

CFPQueering Canons.pdf

Call for Papers - Queering Canons

Call for paper for Queering Canons. Queer Canons will collect essays from queer scholars on faculty at Denison.


Proposal to Establish a Concentration in Queer Studies, April 21, 2000

Proposal to establish a Concentration in Queer Studies, dated April 21, 2000.


Queer Night Syllabus, Fall 2012

Syllabus for Dr. Robin L. Bartlett's Fall 2012 course QS 268 Queer Night.